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Your First Visit

During your first visit, the doctor will ask you about your medical history and discuss your current problems and concerns with you. He will conduct a thorough examination, which may include posture and gait analysis, joint and muscle testing and, if necessary, safe, low dose X-rays. Based on the outcome of this exam, the doctor will formulate a diagnosis and individualized treatment plan. If it is determined that yours is not a chiropractic case, you may be referred to a medical doctor, physical therapist, or other practicing health care professional at Oxford Medical Health and Wellness Center.

Initial Intensive Care

The first phase of care is referred to as Relief or Acute Care. This is designed to eliminate or reduce the majority of the discomfort and stabilize the condition in the shortest amount of time. During this phase of care, visits will be frequent. Repeated visits will be required to reduce or eliminate the symptoms.

Rehabilitative Care

Once you have completed Initial Intensive Care the option of undergoing Rehabilitative Care will be available to you. The objective of the second phase of your treatment program is to correct any underlying spinal injury as well as strengthening the muscles, improve spinal function and provide more complete or optimum healing of tissues and organ systems. You'll most likely come to our center less often and your care may be supplemented by exercises and modification of your daily living and work habits. Remember, many of the conditions for which people seek chiropractic care have developed over many years and therefore, it takes time to correct these conditions.

Maintenance/Wellness Care

The third and final option available to you is Maintenance or Wellness Care. It is designed to maintain your improved health and spinal function, and prevent the return of the original condition once spinal correction has been attained. Regular attention catches small problems before they become serious. Prevention saves time and money by helping you stay well.

Chiropractic visits, exercise and a sensible diet will help you enjoy the best of health well into the future.

Many think that health is merely the absence of pain or symptoms. A wellness approach to health means adopting a variety of healthy habits for optimum function on all levels - physical, mental, social, and spiritual.

Because of its focus on the nerve system, chiropractic care can be an important part of a wellness lifestyle. The nerve system controls the function of virtually every aspect of our lives. So, maintaining a properly functioning nerve system is essential if you want to be your very best.

Few things as complicated as your body can be 'fixed' and then ignored. That's why we will recommend a schedule of regular chiropractic checkups. Like maintaining your teeth, your car, your family, or your faith, maintaining the integrity of your nerve system requires an ongoing investment.